Parallel Programming - Introduction to MPI with C/C++

The bwHPC training team at HLRS is pleased to announce its Introduction to MPI with C/C++ web seminar for bwHPC users on 15.03.2022.

NEMO Power Maintenance

Inspection of the data center power supply on 03.03.2022.

Matlab on HPC

The bwHPC training team at HLRS is pleased to announce its Matlab on HPC web seminar for bwHPC users on 24.03.2022.

Introduction to HPC-Cluster

The bwHPC training team at HLRS is pleased to announce its Introduction to HPC-Cluster web seminar for bwHPC users on 22.03.2022.

Matlab on HPC

The bwHPC training team at HLRS is pleased to announce its Matlab on HPC web seminar for bwHPC users on 15.12.2021.

bwHPC Courses at KIT

The SCC at KIT will host introductory and intermediate courses for bwHPC on 24.11.2021 and 01.12.2021.

Python Data Analysis on JupyterHub

The bwHPC project cordially invites you to the workshop “Python Data Analysis with Dask, Pandas on JupyterHub” on 11.11.2021.

bwHPC Courses at KIT

The SCC at KIT will host introductory and intermediate courses for bwHPC on 21.10.2021 and 27.10.2021.

NEMO Power Outage

There has been a power outage in the morning of the 08.07.2021 (shortly after 7 o’clock). All worker nodes rebooted and all running jobs were killed instantly. Fortunately our storages for user homes and work spaces are backed up by an uninterruptible power supply so no data was lost. The cluster is fully operational again.