The bwHPC Project
The state of Baden-Württemberg offers many HPC resources in the state. For example the bwHPC clusters (bwForClusters, bwUniCluster) at the entry level are available for researchers and students from the state of Baden-Württemberg. They run a wide range of Open Source and commercial software packages. Researchers with a very high demand in computing resources can use clusters and supercomputers at higher levels.
The bwForClusters are for researchers in selected research fields. The bwForCluster NEMO in Freiburg is available for researchers of the scientific communities: Neuroscience, Elementary Particle Physics, Microsystems Engineering and Material Science. The bwUniCluster is available for all researchers and students from the state of BW.
All available bwHPC clusters including access, hardware, software configuration are described in the central wiki as well. Here you can find the information about the installed software and how to run batch jobs on the clusters.
The bwHPC clusters use the module environment system This means that you'll have to load the correct module first to have a software installation available on the cluster.
We provide help for the technical side of the clusters and for the software packages as well. But because our resources are limited we can only give some hints and can't give ready solutions. We expect that users first try to solve their problems within a research group and use the material they can find in the wiki and in other documentations. We are not experts in all the software which is available on the clusters, so we would have to route these questions to other experts, as well. But there is the possibility to call for tiger team support on a regular basis, e.g. parallelization of code. This will be announced on the central web site and the newsletter.
The bwHPC-S5 project offers regular courses throughout the state of Baden-Württemberg featuring introductions and advanced topics for using the bwHPC clusters. If you would like to have a course you can't find on the course list, please send us a request for that and who is interested in which topics. We can then try to provide this course at one site.