8th bwHPC Symposium

8th bwHPC Symposium

Published: 7 Apr 2022 by bwHPC Symposium Team

The 8th bwHPC Symposium this year will take place on

November 28, 2022

and will be hosted at the High-Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart (HLRS).

The bwHPC symposium offers a unique opportunity to actively engage in a dialog between scientific users, operators of bwHPC services, and the bwHPC support centers. Its focus is on the presentation of scientific projects and success stories carried out with the help of bwHPC high-performance computing in the context of the BaWü data federation.

The symposium will be free of charge and open to researchers from all scientific fields. Currently, the bwHPC symposium is planned as a face-to-face event. If necessitated by the infection situation, a switch to an online event is possible.

Information on the registration and the agenda will follow in due time and will also be available online:

bwHPC Symposium

For further information on the event or in case of interest to present at the symposium, please contact:


We would be pleased about your participation and about a scientific contribution to the symposium.

UPDATE 11.07.2022

Registration is now open.

Deadline for registration is November 13, 2022.

bwHPC Symposium

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