Python Data Analysis on JupyterHub

Python Data Analysis on JupyterHub

Published: 3 Nov 2021 by HPC Team Freiburg

The bwHPC project cordially invites you to the workshop

Python Data Analysis with Dask, Pandas on JupyterHub

on 11.11.2021 starting at 14:00 CET.

The workshop briefly introduces the basics of Python. In the main part, the use of NumPy, Pandas and parallel Dask for Machine Learning under JuyterHub is presented with an application example. In this respect, the course is suitable for beginners and advanced students with a focus on parallel computing.

Access is via browser or WebEx client at: WebEx Link

The workshop is organized by the HS Esslingen, the University of Konstanz and the KIT. An account on the bwUniCluster is helpful, access to a JupyterHub with a (Conda) installation of the above mentioned packages is necessary.

bwHPC HPC Course Training

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